The committee of the SBBKA has seriously considered our role in response to the increased number of confirmed sightings of Asian Hornets within the UK.  Following advice from the BBKA we’ve seen fit to establish an inhouse AHT, Asian Hornet Team, to formalise our response to this increased threat by providing a direct service to our members and the general public within the coverage area of the SBBKA. 

Rob Cooke, our dedicated direct contact and team leader accessible to BBKA Area Association Coordinators, will head up our AHT.  This streamlined communication will facilitate the efficient dissemination of vital information in both directions to ensure a timely response to all potential sightings.

A vital part of the AHT will be to educate beekeepers and the general public in improving awareness and identification efforts which is what this part of the website will start to address.  Regular updates will follow.

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