I started my interest in Beekeeping in 2010 after reading lots of articles on the decline of Honeybee & the struggles it was having to deal with, I wanted to help them if I could.  I bought & read lots of books as well as attending a 6-week ‘Introduction to Beekeeping’ course and joined Stamford & Bourne Beekeepers in Autumn 2010.

I bought myself a 14 x 12 Beehive and then eventually in May 2011 purchased a Nuc of bees from Peterborough Beekeepers,  these built up quickly and also swarmed a few times so by the end of 2011 I had 4 beehives at the bottom of my garden.

I felt this was too many to have at home so contacted a few local farmers who were only too happy to have some hives on their farmland to help with crop pollination.

I took and passed the Basic Beekeeping exam in 2015 as well as the Honey Bee Health Certificate in 2023.

At present, I have about 50 Hives after getting up to 70 at one point with only 1 at home and the rest on various farms around the area where I live.

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