Entry deadline!
General Husbandry Assessment entry deadline, see SBBKAwebsite or contact SBBKA Education Officer.
Swarm Management
Followed by Question and Answer session .Especially useful for new beekeepers . An opportunity to ask advice on all issues atthe start of the season.
Beekeeping for Beginners
George Hotel StamfordBeekeeping for Beginners
George Hotel StamfordBee Inspector
The role of the Bee Inspector and an opportunity to getadvice .
Blossom Picnic
Stamford Community OrchardHoney Extraction
Aimed at new and Novice members with Q&A .Otherareas to be touched upon Disease recognition , Hive Hygiene , Personal Safety andRisk Assessment for visitors to your hives.
Stamford Library Bee Day
SBBKA Members meeting the public toexplain what is involved in beekeeping and where they can learn more.
Entry Deadline!
Honey Bee Health Certificate entry deadline. See SBBKA website orcontact SBBKA education officer.
Apiary Visits
the meeting designated for this date will be a series ofapiary visits for members , these will be available over two weekend ( weatherdependent) Members will need to sign in for specific apiary visits , numbers will belimited . A formal meeting will not take place on this date however members canmeet informally in the […]
Lincolnshire Show
Further information to follow.
recognise, treat and prevent bee pests and diseases.