Firstly, I apologise for lack of group logo – we are in the process of developing our new website.
Upcoming Meetings
September 6th at 7.30pm. George Hotel Business Centre
Presentation and discussion about the new website. An opportunity for members to contribute.
An explanation about the format for the next meeting which is to be the judging of bee-based products that you have brought in, but done in a light-hearted and informal way.
Open discussion. To allow members to discuss beekeeping issues or problems.
October 4th at 7.30pm. George Hotel Business Centre
Products members have made to be judged by all present, eg a blind tasting of honey brought in by the members. Everyone will be given a form to record (anonymous voting ) which they like best and at the end of the event a winner will be the one with the most votes.
This same process will be used for other Honey and Bee based products eg, photographs , drawings , 3 D Craft (eg, knitting , embroidery , ceramics , carving ) food (sweet or savoury but MUST contain honey), wax products (wax wraps, candles, polishes, pure wax blocks ). Any food products should be able to be sampled with appropriate and hygienic ways to hold or sample.
Winners Presentations
Discussion time. Anyone considering joining the AGM’s SBBKA committee can ask about roles and responsibilities.
October 25th at 7.30 pm. George Hotel Business Centre
This is an extra date used to hold the Annual General Meeting, to review this year and suggest aims and objectives for the group for the following year.
Election or re-election of committee members for the following roles: Chair; Secretary; Membership Secretary; Treasurer; Apiary Manager, Swarm Co-ordinator, Asian Hornet Co-ordinator, Website manager, Education and Exams Officer.
These roles should ideally be supported by an elected deputy.
November 1st at 7 pm until 9 pm (note an earlier start)
Presentation about the Asian Hornet. An increasing threat as it has now established itself in southern England. As Beekeepers it is essential that we understand why it is a threat and what can be done about it. Stewart Maher will give the presentation and focus on how to recognise the AH, its lifecycle, and an update on what is happening in the UK. Stewart will draw on his experiences from working on Jersey with their AHAT.
Open discussion and any last-minute winter (and spring) advice.